Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

The client aimed to identify its customers among pulmonologists and understand the therapeutic approaches in the management of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF).

Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia

The project aimed to explore how narcolepsy and IH patients navigate the treatment process, including facilitators and hindrances. It mapped the buying process surrounding treatment decisions, medication trials, and patient perspectives.

Type 2 Diabetes

The project focused on presenting a smart device under development to assist Type 2 Diabetes patients in titrating their basal insulin at home. The client aimed to identify barriers and pain points for patients in the titration process, assess the potential benefits of a smart device, and pinpoint key messages for future communication plans.


Our client, a pharmaceutical company, sought insights into the dynamics of the ophthalmology market in France, particularly concerning the potential replacement of Lucentis or Avastin in the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) with a new Monoclonal Antibody (MAB). With the prevalence of off-label usage of Avastin due to cost considerations, understanding the landscape and receptiveness to new treatments posed a significant challenge.